Import data toolbar button not available in easymark
Import data toolbar button not available in easymark

#Import data toolbar button not available in easymark windows

You can, if desired, simply use Windows to search for any file ending in a QAT extension. How you work with a QAT file depends on the version of Excel you are using. If your customizations involved simply adding the macro to the Quick Access Toolbar, those changes are not stored in a particular workbook like macros are they are stored by Excel in what is referred to as a QAT file. The answer to this question depends, in large part, on how you made the customizations to your version of Excel. He wonders why this occurs and how he can get around it. When she opened the workbook, the button Ian had added to the ribbon was missing. (Works great!) He transferred the workbook into Dropbox so that a colleague could use it. Tool_bar_frame.Ian created a macro and then customized the ribbon with a button that executes that macro. Toolbar= NavigationToolbar2Tk(figure, tool_bar_frame) Tk.Label(canvas, text=txt, font= "calibri 13", bg="white",width=10).grid(row=0,column=num,padx=12,pady=8)įor col, item in enumerate(): Instead you can simply line them up using grid, and create an extra frame to store the toolbar: def open_window1(): Toolbar = NavigationToolbar2Tk(figure_canvas, toolbar_frame)Ĭanvas.create_window(0,0, window=figure_canvas.get_tk_widget(), anchor=tk.NW)Ĭanvas.create_window(0,400, window=toolbar_frame, anchor=tk.NW)īut looking at your current setup, there is no actual need for all those calls of create_window. You need to create a Frame to hold your toolbar, then call create_window on the frame instead: import tkinter as tkįig.add_subplot(111).plot(t, 2 * np.sin(2 * np.pi * t))įigure_canvas = FigureCanvasTkAgg(fig, root)

import data toolbar button not available in easymark import data toolbar button not available in easymark

When you call NavigationToolbar2Tk(figure, canvas), the underlying method used is pack on the container canvas, which conflicts with the rest of your widgets created by create_window method. #canvas.create_window(850, 800, window=figure._tkcanvas, anchor=tk.NW)ī2=Button(window, text="Click", width=12, command=open_window1) #toolbar= NavigationToolbar2Tk(figure, canvas) import numpy as npįrom _tkagg import FigureCanvasTkAgg, NavigationToolbar2Tk The values of the first window have been assigned, just click "Click" button. The lines I tried are also included below with #. But only the toolbar shows up when I tried running the code. I am trying to place the navigation toolbar in the canvas window.

Import data toolbar button not available in easymark